Getting a job in Spain before you move to Spain.

I get asked a lot about this. About 3 or 4 times a week now people tell me that they are looking for a job in Spain so as they can then get a visa and move here.

This is almost impossible and here is why.

First off in my 22 years here i have only heard of about 4 people who have done this.

If you are living outside of Spain lets say UK and you want to get a job with a Spanish company so as you can then move here and work and live here.

New rules here now state that any company in Spain must offer the job to residents and locals then if there is nobody suitable they could offer it to you if you are in the UK but they would have to show that you had special skills they need.

Most companies here will not want to bother with this as its more paperwork and costs for them and it takes time.

Having said that one of my members who was a tree surgeon and qualified green keeper did send in a cv to a company in Madrid and he went to Madrid for the interview and got the job then had to do all the papers. this is rear here though and takes a lot off work.

Also he did speak some spanish as the interview will normally be in Spanish.

If you want to work in Spain then there are other options, like meeting the requirements for a visa and then once here looking for work, that will be much easier.

Also you could go self employed here after 1 year on the NLV and then companies would be much more interested in hiring you because they dont have to pay your social security.

Nothings impossible though so if you really want to go down the road of getting a job before you move here this is what you should be doing. Learning Spanish even if its an English speaking position.

repairing all your paperwork and knowing what you will need.

Applying for the visas thats right for you.

sending out your cv in Spanish and English and being ready to get on a plane and come to an interview here. I always try and encourage others but when someone tells me they are looking for a company here to offer them a job before they even come here i do get that sinking feeling but anything is possible but its best if you try and make your own luck and find a better solution.

Harry did it see how here..

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